5 acres
Property, Gampaha
Beds: 1, Baths: 1
120 perches
Property, Colombo
Rs. 35,000,000
Beds: 3, Baths: 2
Rs. 38,000,000
Business & Industry, Gampaha
Services, Gampaha
Vehicles, Gampaha
4,050 sqft
Property, Kandy
Rs. 80,000,000
Beds: 6, Baths: 3
Rs. 65,000,000
51 perches
Property, Kegalle
13,320 sqft
Property, Galle
Rs. 135,000,000
8 perches
Rs. 1,000,000
5,000 sqft
Rs. 900,000
2.5 acres
Rs. 32,500,000
Beds: 3, Baths: 3
Rs. 125,000,000
10 perches
Beds: 4, Baths: 3
Rs. 37,500,000
Rs. 45,000
11,300 sqft
Rs. 190,000,000
Beds: 4, Baths: 2
Rs. 700,000
Beds: 3, Baths: 1
Rs. 60,000
61.5 perches
Services, Kalutara
Rs. 32,000,000
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